Dooshineh Dairy Products

Sari Dooshineh Dairy Products company was established in 1384 and hasd more than 13 years experience in field of produciny pasteurized and Hemugenized Dairy Products its purpose is promotiny the quality and health of dear countrymen by using progressire equipments and enjoyment of experts, professionals and employing experienced personnel.
Dooshineh Brand could get the main role in market between its competitors by using experienced team, sale in capillary way and heat distribution and attracting more active agencies allover the wond with purpose of more customers’ satis faction.
This company is going to reach its purposes by modern techniques of new knowledge and productivity management and continuation of development policies.
1- Research and development for introducing new products and increasing the quality of product.
2- Effort to increase the level of general health by producing different and safe products.
3- Increasiny the customers’ satisfaction by EFQM methods and increase the intermal and external markt’s share.
4- Increase of employment level by doing development program.
5- Increase the quality of products by quality management.
Introducing the families
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